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An Opportunity of Great Help for Tiny Patients

The laudable labor of Fundación de Niños San Jorge is recognized by many, but what a lot of people may not know is all the effort that goes into raising funds so it can keep running effectively.

The non-profit entity began work in 1995 and was created by Domingo Cruz Vivaldi and Alfredo Völckers, and Doctor Luis Clavel. Even though in its beginnings they only carried out academic investigations, they're growth has allowed them to help patients in a much more directly, caring for their medical necessities and giving priority to cases of cancer and physical malformations.

'The foundation pays deductibles, chemotherapies, speech therapies, deductibles in medicine, hospital bedrooms and other necessities. We always go to the healthcare plan first and from there we start', said Stephanie Moore, CEO and executive director of the Foundation.

'First, the case manager makes a socioeconomic evaluation. They are also asked for an income and spending document, and based on that we calculate if the patient qualifies depending on the poverty level according to federal boards', Moore detailed.

Just last year the organization funded 4,742 services, a total of 1,808 active patients and treated 264 new patients.

Additionally, since 2006, a studies program was established with the purpose of offering the patients the tools necessary so they can achieve their academic goals no matter the time they have left receiving medical treatments.

Now, the San Jorge Children's Foundation is ready to receive for the second consecutive time the funds from a gala that promises to surpass their expectations, even from last year. With those funds they hope to keep on adding to the contributions that are necessary to keep on helping the children.

'Club Curry: A Night at Gilligan's Island' is the name of the event that will take place march 4 in the recently renovated San Juan Hotel that also forms a part of the philanthropic trajectory of the successful entrepreneur Mark Curry which initially began in the United States and has continued on the island.

'Curry did this type of event in the United States and last year and he also did it here in benefit of the San Jorge Foundation. This year we received the great news that every year he will be hosting the gala to benefit our foundation. This is something nobody wants to miss because last year's gala was incredible. The theme was ‘Alice in Wonderland' and the guests were dressed as the characters and we had a good time', said Moore.

Moore also added that they hope that on this occasion they can reach up to 300 guests and everything points to those expectations being surpassed. The costs of the tickets are $175.00 per person and $300.00 per couple and are deductible from the tax returns. VIP guests include Academy-award winner Benicio del Toro and former Major League Baseball player Carlos Delgado.

'Since our beginnings, the Mark E. Curry Family Foundation has helped communities in need by raising funds through the Club Curry brand for local and regional non-profit organizations that support women, children and their families. We have associated with various organizations and we have celebrated events in cities all over the United States, but there hasn't been a better partner than the Fundación Infantil San Jorge', said Curry, who recently acquired this digital diary as part of a group of enterprises in Puerto Rico.

'This Foundation is vital for many Puerto Rican families in need and also helps give care and resources necessary for the kids with the most difficult medical conditions. I feel honored with the opportunity of supporting the Fundación Infantil San Jorge, and I hope to continue with our alliance for many more years. Our annual Club Curry gala celebrates the blessings that we have while providing for those in need', he added.

Curry detailed that this year El San Juan Hotel will be transformed into ‘Gilligan's Island', an event like no other, where there will be dancers, games, and a live auction with a lot of interesting articles, a lot of tricks and surprises, and also the presence of celebrities like Benicio del Toro.

'For us it is an honor that the Curry Foundation selects the San Jorge Foundation to help the medical population in need at Puerto Rico. In the United States there is a general culture inclined toward philanthropy that has been developing in Puerto Rico over the past years and we are helping more non-profit organizations. But I think Curry is the first individuals, of the ones that have moved to Puerto Rico over the last few years, that is contributing not only to the economic part but also to the philanthropic; he gets involved in others needs and that is something we wish to emulate', expressed the director, and one of the founders of this foundations, Domingo Cruz.

Each day we should have more awareness of the importance of helping local non-profits. We are going through the 10th year in a recession and in these difficult times money goes to entities of the United States, when over here there is more need than over there, there are less resources here. We have to give priority to what is ours', he added.

For those who are interested in assisting to the gala for the Fundación Niños San Jorge, you can acquire the tickets accessing www.clubcurry.com

