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The people have spoken... obey!


Former Governor Pedro Rosselló González had different kinds of successes and failures throughout the various stages of his political career. He was a strong leader, brilliant for some, but stubborn for others.

He was also able to capture and use popular wisdom with phrases that helped him project his agenda and vision in a simple manner.

The phrase 'the people spoke and I obey' was one of them. In the beginning, he used it to undertake triumphant projects, but then he learned to use it to acknowledge changes in the winds and the seasons. To accept defeat in a clear, prompt and conciliatory way.

His son, the current governor, Ricardo Rosselló Nevares, would do well to open the massive doors of the literal and figurative bunker in which he has put himself, to allow a little of the light of his father's words to slip in. By doing that, he would cease inflicting damage to Puerto Rico because of his efforts to remain in office even though it is more than evident that he has lost all authority, confidence, respect, capacity and moral needed to lead.

In times of confusion and anxiety, it is illuminating to bring problems down to their most objective and simple form.

And for Ricardo Rosselló Nevares, that one truth, for whatever reasons might be argued, is that he has simply lost the ability to lead, the ability to execute plans, and has lost the basic quality that every positive leader should have, the ability to give hope that the future will be better and brighter.

What is reflected in the massive and daily demonstrations that we've witnessed since the leak of the Telegram chat where the Governor and his closest advisors make offensive and disturbing statements is not the rejection of a particular public policy, it is not a difference in criteria about a certain government strategy, it is the total loss of confidence in a leader. And trust, once lost, is not restored.

The Governor's decision to entrench himself in office and to open a 'game of thrones' with the Legislature through an impeachment process is inflicting unforgivable damage to the people of Puerto Rico. While our leadership gives priority to their petty power struggle, in Washington DC nutritional funds for disadvantaged families are being stalled, healthcare funds for low-income people, over half of our society, are being questioned, investors withdraw their money from local projects to find other jurisdictions to use them, local entrepreneurs put the brakes on their expansion plans, and ammunition is given to President Donald Trump in his discrimination against the Island because of our corrupt and incapable government.

Governor Rosselló Nevares, the people have spoken, obey!

Your personal pride, political career and desperation for self-preservation is not worth more than the survival of the people of Puerto Rico.

Resign immediately, without further political trickery, and allow us the opportunity to resume the difficult task of moving along recovery efforts and reviving the engine of economic development, which is the only thing that can make Puerto Rico a place people want to get to and stay, instead of a place they want to leave.

For aerial shots of today's protest, click here

For a visual summary of today's protest, click here

La multitudinaria manifestación en el ExpresoLas Américas exigiendola renuncia del Gobernador Ricardo Rosselló. Estas imágenesse tomaron alrededor de las10:00 am. (Juan R. Costa / NotiCel)
